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(English) Xinpeng Lianzhong Automotive:
Case Study for Manufacturing Industry


Shanghai Xinpeng Lianzhong Automotive Co Ltd











智能物流: 通过使用OPCS接口,用友能够确保信息在多个供应商设备上的持续流动。这使得企业平均每天可以打印至少30,000个条形码,并极大地简化了每个工人的工作范围。工人们能够更好地理解简化后的工作流程,使其更具生产力和效率。

智能物联网: 通过网络重建和新鹏联众工厂的设备升级,每件设备都与工艺流程相关联。利用工业大数据分析和挖掘,相关人员可以实时查看和监控现场的生产线,也可以收到通知。这里共有1条冲压线,4条开卷线,361个焊接岛,以及31辆AGV运输车。

工业协作: 通过OPCS接口,新朋联众每天能够与99家供应商、1041名工人、15家招聘公司、大众汽车OEMs和200多辆车进行在线协作。与传统的邮件和电话相比,由于我们的采购管理软件,订单的准确性和采购及会计的效率水平有了极大的提高。

移动管理: 使用 “新朋联众APP”,管理者无论身在何处,都可以实时查看设备整体效能、机器能力指数、物流、生产线等。这使得领导能够及时地、知情地做出行政决策。

可跟踪: 由于每个产品和资源都有一个独特的识别标签,因此可以从头到尾跟踪其整个生命周期。所有的数据都存储在云端,便于访问。

(English) Industry

(English) Manufacturing

(English) Region

(English) Singapore, SEA

(English) Company Size

(English) 50+

(English) The Challenge


Xinpeng Lianzhong Wrestles with Industry Challenges: High Competition, Rising Costs, and Workforce Turnover in the Automotive Sector

Xinpeng Lianzhong faced pressure when the automobile industry slowed down – there were over 100 automobile suppliers in the market vying for business in the same space. Raw material costs were on the rise, and at the same time, SAIC Volkswagon and other OEMs had tougher requirements for their systems that Xinpeng Lianzhong had to fulfill. They also faced an issue of a high turnover rate in their factories, and difficulty in recruiting new production line workers. Other pain points include: having to collaborate with different providers and fulfilling the Formel-Q quality guideline in the Product Life Cycle, from supply chain evaluation to project-related risk assessments. The enterprise knew they had to shake up their business operations and system in order to stay competitive and relevant in a saturated market space.

(English) The Solution


Xinpeng Lianzhong Transforms Operations: Smart Manufacturing Success with Yonyou Leads to Increased Productivity and Efficiency

Xinpeng Lianzhong has worked with Yonyou back in 2014, with the adoption of systems such as ERP, E-HR, Manufacturing Execution System, Product Lifecycle Management, etc. This time, their goal is to achieve smart manufacturing.

With the yonyou Smart Industrial Internet platform, Xinpeng Lianzhong was able to achieve collaborate with upstream and downstream parties of the production life cycle in real-time. Labor work that can be automated was done, so they could reduce dependency on physical manpower. This in turn increased the productivity level at the factories.

The results

1,800 interconnected devices; 24 billion pieces of device data collected per month; Achieved real-time collaboration with Volkswagen automakers, 26 equipment suppliers, and 99 spare parts suppliers; Output increased by 22%; manpower needed decreased by 31%, and defects dropped from 3% to 1%.

Smart Logistics: Using the OPCS interface, Yonyou was able to ensure the continuous flow of information across multiple vendor devices. This allowed the business to print an average of at least 30,000 bar codes daily and simplified each worker’s job scope tremendously. Workers were able to understand the simplified workflow better, making it more productive and efficient.

Smart IoT: Through network reconstruction and upgrades of equipment in Xinpeng Lianzhong’s factory, each piece of equipment is associated with a process flow. Using industrial big data analysis and mining, stakeholders can view and monitor onsite production lines in real-time, and receive notifications too. There is a total of 1 stamping line, 4 uncoiling lines, 361 welding islands, and 31 AGV transport vehicles.

Industrial Collaboration: Through the OPCS interface, Xinpeng Lianzhong was able to collaborate online with 99 suppliers, 1041 workers, 15 hiring firms, Volkswagon OEMs, and more than 200 vehicles daily. The accuracy of orders and efficiency level for procurement and accounting have vastly improved compared to traditional mail and phone thanks to our procurement management software.

Mobile Management: Using the “Xinpeng Lianzhong APP”, managers can view overall equipment effectiveness, machine capability index, logistics, production lines, and more in real-time wherever they are. This allows leaders to make executive decisions in a timely and informed manner.

Trackable: As each product and resources have a unique identification tag, it is possible to track its full life cycle from start to end. All data are stored in Cloud for easy access.


Why Yonyou

  • A complete retail industry suite solution that helps to promote organizational performances.
  • The new era technology which enables customers to adapt to the business change and rapid development.
  • With the trustworthy history, Yonyou is recognized by the public as one of the international industry leaders.
