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(English) BHCC Construction Pte Ltd:
Case Study for Construction Industry







  • 从合同到采购部门的材料跟踪
  • 员工的休假/MC申请
  • 生成BIM模型
  • RFI/RFA/材料测试/测试结果



  1. 项目的图纸以数字的形式存在,使不同的利益相关者能够高效、简单地访问。
  2. 人力资源部门可以看到所有任务的状态,创造一个更透明的工作流程,使他们可以节省50%的人工检查时间。
  3. 工人的资料和重要的细节,如工作许可证号码,他们被分配到的项目,都可以通过数字方式即时查看。
  4. 还实施了培训管理,这样就可以记录整个培训过程,从培训申请到培训安排和培训完成。
  5. 会计团队不再需要手动匹配文件。他们能够查看每个项目现场的报销提交情况,并通过检查点跟踪报销过程,以显示每个阶段已经由负责的管理人员完成。
  6. 系统中的信息可以与团队成员和管理人员实时共享。多个用户可以登录系统检查和共享信息,而不是依赖Excel功能,使团队能够有效和及时地做出决策
  7. 系统拥有所有库存类型及其相应数量的数据库,当出现低库存时,会触发警报
  8. 对于现场管理来说,进度图功能对工作规划很有帮助,因为它显示了工作完成情况,团队目前正在进行的工作,以及下个月需要完成的工作。对整个进度流程有一个很好的概述,项目是否在完成的轨道上,或者是否需要预期的延迟。

(English) Industry

(English) Construction

(English) Region

(English) Singapore, SEA

(English) Company Size

(English) 50+

(English) The Challenge


BHCC to Digitalize and Streamline Operations Amidst Expansion and Diverse Project Management Needs

BHCC saw the need to digitalize their business as they are poised for further expansion, and the current processes for business management and operations departments are manual and time-consuming. They have multiple projects on hand at different project sites and there is a lack of standardization for reports, thus information sent back to the management team is not aligned for decision making. 

Manual processes also include: 

  • Tracking of materials from contract to purchase department 
  • Leave/MC application for employees
  • Generating of BIM Modelling 
  • RFI/RFA/Material Testing/Testing Results

(English) The Solution


Yonyou Project Management Revolution: Comprehensive Digital Enhancements Elevate Efficiency and Decision-Making

With the yonyou Project Management solution, the following improvements were highlighted:

  1. Drawings for projects are located digitally, making it efficient and simple for different stakeholders to access 
  2. HR team has visibility on status of all tasks, creating a more transparent workflow and allowing them to save 50% of time on manual checking
  3. Workers profiles, and important details such as work permit number, project they are allocated to, can be viewed instantly digitally
  4. Training management was implemented too, so that the whole training process, from training application to training arrangement and training completion, can be recorded
  5. Accounting team no longer have to match documents manually. They are able to view submission of claims on each project site, and track the reimbursement process via checkpoints to show that each stage has been completed by managers in charge
  6. Information in the system are shared with team members and managers in real-time. Multiple users can log on the system to check and share information, instead of relying on Excel functions, allowing the team to make effective and timely decisions
  7. System has a database of all stock types and its corresponding quantities, and alerts are triggered when there is low stock
  8. For site management, the Progress Chart feature is useful for working planning as it shows the job completion statuss, what the team is working on currently, and what needs to be done for the upcoming month. Gives a good overview of the entire progress flow, whether the project is on track for completion, or if delays are to be anticipated


Why Yonyou

  • A complete retail industry suite solution that helps to promote organizational performances.
  • The new era technology which enables customers to adapt to the business change and rapid development.
  • With the trustworthy history, Yonyou is recognized by the public as one of the international industry leaders.
