About Us

(English) Garmco:
Sales management modules integrated to provide real-time data for order payments


新加坡GARMCO公司成立于1993年,是一家金属服务中心,经营全系列的铝板、卷材和板材、挤压件、不锈钢和EG / GI产品。




通过用友 ERP商业软件解决方案,应收账款和销售管理模块被整合,为订单付款提供实时数据。应收账款的账龄功能也会触发逾期付款的自动警报。该系统也是定制的,因为Garmco为其客户提供了独特的流程,而现成的ERP系统是无法满足的。一个例子是跟踪不锈钢棒的尺寸(厚度,宽度和长度)。该系统还可以帮助跟踪每个工作订单的材料损耗,并允许管理团队对其流程有更多的了解和控制。此外,库存管理模块有助于保持库存数字的准确性,有助于预测和预算。

(English) Industry

(English) Multi-Region Operations

(English) Region

(English) Singapore, SEA

(English) Company Size

(English) 50+

(English) The Challenge


Heavy reliance on manual accounting  & lack of system integration

Garmco used excel to keep track of the inventory stock, accounts receivable, and sales management, which is a very manual process and subjected to human error at times. The company also found that with its current processes, it was unable to assign different levels of access for stakeholders.

(English) The Solution


Integrated Business Management Platform

With Yonyou ERP business software solution, the accounts receivable and sales management modules were integrated to provide real-time data for order payments. The accounts receivable aging feature would also trigger an automated alert for late payments. The system was also customized as Garmco offers unique processes to its clients, which off the shelf ERP systems were unable to cater to. An example would be tracking the dimensions (thickness, width, and length) of stainless bars. The system can also help keep track of material wastage per work order, and allow the management team more insights and control over its processes. Additionally, the inventory management module was helpful in keeping the inventory stock figure accurate and helps in forecasting and budgeting. 
