To appreciate the supports from clients and help them better understand our businesses, the annual Yonyou Appreciation Dinner was held on 20th Nov.
In the beginning, Howard Chen, the general manager, shared the values and development of Yonyou. Since 1991, Yonyou has been committed to becoming the world’s leading provider of software, cloud services and financial services for enterprises and public organizations. During the 30 years, more than 4.7 million enterprises have become our customers and in the next 30 years, Yonyou will maintain the focus on customer relationship development and provide better services for the enterprise digitalization transfer.
Then, Yonyou NC consultant Jeff Li shared the mobile apps development under the background of internet development. The architecture integrated NC Cloud and Yonyou Cloud can support the implementation of mobile apps, which can improve communication efficiency and achieve the teleworking. The application includes the management of human resources, finance processes and goods transfer.
After that, Jason Huang, Yonyou U8 Manager, shared the YonSuite-Cloud service functions for growth companies and for globalization & expansion. With the real-time and synchronized platform, YonSuite-Cloud can support the smart flow, agile analysis and free collaboration, and therefore an open platform with an ecosystem can be established and users can enjoy services with fast, elastic and low cost.
At last, Steven bai shared the topic about how to deal with current information security risks. Both internal and external viruses threaten enterprise information security, so it is important to take the right emergency measures and keep daily protection, and the key method is to make a non-local backup.
After the sharing session, clients and staff enjoyed the dinner together and had a joyful time. It is a great chance for Yonyou to thank all the clients and share about the development of current ERP products to our clients. Yonyou will keep working towards a world-class ERP provider in the future.